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Al Najaf al-Ashraf
(The Dignified City)

Welcome to Najaf al-Ashraf, the Dignified city, the city of Amir al Mu'minin (a). This city is known for the capital of Islamic scholarship and knowledge. As you walk these streets,ponder on how these same streets where many of of our Imams (a) walked. According to ahadith, Imam Ali (a), Prophet Adam (a), and Prophet Noah (a) are like your spiritual fathers, and you have come to your father's house. Therefore, use every single moment wisely by trying to connect with your fathers. Recite as much Qur'an, du'as and salat as you can. 

When one preforms the ziyarah of my grandfather Imam Ali (a) with ma'rifah (deep understanding), Allah will record for him/her the reward of an accepted Hajj and Umrah for each step he/she takes.

Imam Sadiq (a):

Behind Kufah (Najaf) is the first place where Allah was worshipped. When Allah commanded the angels to perform sajdah to Prophet Adam (a), the angels prostrated behind Kufah.

Imam Ali (a):

There will be no believer left in the west or the east, except that his soul will be taken to Wadi as-Salam.

Imam Sadiq (a):

The Concealment and Revelation of Imam Ali's (peace be upon him) Grave

The Concealment of the Grave

Imam Ali's Instructions
The Imam of the pious, Imam Ali (peace be upon him), advised his family to hide his grave after his death. He knew that his enemies would take over and might not hesitate to desecrate his grave out of hatred and enmity. Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) answered the question of one of his companions, Safwan al-Jamal, about the reason for hiding the grave. He said: "Beware of the Banu Marwan and the Kharijites, lest they seek to harm him."

Hajjaj bin Yusuf's Attempt
Sheikh Jaafar, in the book "Mukhtab al-Tawarikh," mentioned that Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi dug three thousand graves in Najaf in search of the body of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him). This illustrates the extent of the enmity towards Imam Ali and the lengths his enemies would go to desecrate his grave.

Ibn Tawus's Explanation
Al-Sayyid Ibn Tawus explained the reason for the concealment, saying: "This necessitated that he commanded that he be buried secretly out of fear of the Umayyads and their helpers, the Kharijites, and their likes. Perhaps if they exhumed him, despite their knowledge of his location, this would cause the Banu Hashim to wage war and confrontation. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) condoned war during his lifetime, so he recommended leaving what is subject to dispute after his death, as there were countless benefits in his grave that are not known to us in detail."

Secret Grave in Najaf
The location of the honorable grave in Najaf remained a secret known only to the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and the elite among their Shiites, following the will of Imam Ali (peace be upon him). This secrecy lasted from the fortieth year of the Hijra until the fall of the Umayyad state and the establishment of the Abbasid state in 132 AH/749 AD.

The Revelation of the Grave
Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq's Revelation
After the disappearance of fear and caution, Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) revealed the honorable grave and directed his Shiites to it. He ordered them to visit it when he arrived in Iraq at the request of the first Abbasid Caliph, Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah, when he met him in al-Hira. The Imam (peace be upon him) built a bench on the grave to indicate its location.

Sheikh Al-Mufid's Account
Sheikh Al-Mufid said: "His grave remained hidden until Al-Sadiq Jaafar bin Muhammad (peace be upon them both) led him to it in the Abbasid Empire." Ishaq bin Jarir narrated on the authority of Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) that he said: "When I was in Al-Hira with Abu Al-Abbas, I used to go to the grave of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) at night, which is in the district of Najaf Al-Hira, next to Ghari Al-Nu’man, and I would pray the night prayer with him and leave before dawn."

Visits and Repairs
Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) visited the grave of his grandfather, the Master of the Guardians, many times during the reign of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Jaafar al-Mansur. In one of these visits, the Imam gave Safwan al-Jamal a sum of money to repair the grave. Safwan said: "I said: Sir: Do you permit me to tell our companions from the people of Kufa about him?" He said yes and gave me dirhams to repair the grave.

Misconceptions and Clarifications

Historians' Delusions
Unfortunately, some ancient and recent historians fell into delusion when they dealt with the narratives about the shrine of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) without investigation and scrutiny. They moved away from the truth when they stated that Harun al-Abbasi was the first to uncover the grave in 170 AH/786 AD or 175 AH/791 AD, ignoring what Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) did in 132 AH when he uncovered the grave and built a bench on it.

Harun Al-Abbasi's Alleged Role
Sheikh Al-Mufid mentioned in "Al-Irshad" the details of this story: Muhammad bin Zakaria narrated, saying: Abdullah bin Muhammad told us on the authority of Ibn Aisha, he said: "One day we went out with Al-Rashid from Kufa hunting, so we went to the area of Al-Ghariyan and Al-Thawiya. We saw an antelope, so we sent hawks and dogs towards it, and they roamed with it for an hour. Then the antelope took refuge in a hill and stood on it, and the hawks fell to one side, and the dogs returned. Al-Rashid was amazed. Then the antelope descended from the hill, so the hawks and dogs descended, and the antelope returned to the hill, so the hawks and dogs retreated from them, doing this three times. Al-Rashid said: 'Run, and whoever you meet, bring him.' We brought him an old man from Banu Asad. Harun said to him: 'Tell me what this hill is.' He said: 'If you give me safety, I will tell you.' He said: 'You have a covenant from God that I will not disturb you or harm you.' He said: 'My father told me on the authority of his fathers that they used to say that in this hill is the grave of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him). God has made it a sanctuary where no one can take shelter unless he is safe.'"

Doubts About Harun's Construction
As for what was mentioned about Harun rebuilding the Holy Grave, it requires careful consideration. Ibn Tawus narrated a narration that said: "Al-Rashid built a structure on it with white bricks smaller than this shrine today, on each side by an arm’s length, and when we uncovered the noble shrine, we found it built with earth and plaster on it. Al-Rashid ordered that a dome be built over it, which was built of red clay, and a green jar was placed on top of it, which is in the treasury to this day."

Professor Dr. Salah Al-Fartusi's Doubts
Professor Dr. Salah Al-Fartusi, in his book "The Shrine and Shrine of the Commander of the Faithful," cast doubt on the reality of the architecture attributed to Harun. He said: "If we reconsider the narration of Ibn al-Tahhal, we will see it without any support or source to support it. Rather, I see it as being jostled and unable to withstand, for the holy shrine was built on it without a building between the third and sixth centuries. The most famous of its buildings is the building with a white dome, which is the Adad al-Dawla Building."

Domes Over Graves
It is worth noting that Al-Dumayri, in his book "The Great Life of the Animal," quoted from Ibn Khallikan what indicates that Harun Al-Abbasi stoned the grave only, and there is no reference to any luxurious building that was built to replace the bench that Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) erected. Al-Dumairi said: "Al-Rashid ordered the place to be stoned, and it was the first foundation to be laid in it. Then the buildings in it increased during the days of the Samanidah and Banu Hamdan, and it increased during the days of Daylam, that is, the days of Banu Buyeh."

Building Domes Over Graves
Building domes over graves was not known at that time. The first dome built on a shrine in Iraq was over the tomb of Al-Muntasir Billah ibn Al-Mutawakkil Al-Abbasi in Samarra, who died in 248/862 AD. Dr. Souad Maher said: "The mother of Caliph Al-Muntasir - who was of Greek origin - was keen to build a shrine for him far from the palace in which he lived, known as the Crusader Dome."

Certaintly, Allah has placed your grave and the graves of your children in visibile, honorable, and heavenly places. He has made the hearts of his chosen and pure servants love you so deeply that they will bear torture, pain, and belittlement in order to come visit your graves. In order to seek nearness to Allah and strengthen their friendship with the Prophet (s), they will come visit you frequently. O Ali, these servants will receive my intercession and enter the Fountain of Kawthar, and they will be my visitors in Heaven.

Rasullah Allah (s) said to Imam Ali (a):

Special days for preforming ziyarah of Amir Al Mu'minin

These are the dates that performing ziyarah of Imam Ali (a) and it is highly recommended experience to visiting Najaf on these certain dates where we have many narrations from Ahlulbayt.

1st night of Rabi 


Laylat Ul-Mabi't (the night of Imam Ali (a) slept in the bed off the prophet (s) when he migrated from Makkah to Madinah).

17 Rabi al-Awwal

Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (s)

15 Jamada al-Awwal

Birthday of Imam Ali Ibn Al Hussain (a)

13 Rajab

Birthday of Imam Ali (a)

27 Rajab

Victory of Khaybar by the blessed hands of Imam Ali (a) day of Mab'ath (the accouncement of Prophethood)

17 Ramadan

Victory during the Battle of Badr

20 Ramadan

The day Prophet Muhammad (s) put Imam Ali (a) on his shoulders as he broke the idols around the Ka'bah

21 Ramadan

Shahadah of Imam Ali (a)

1 Dhul Hijjah

The day Imam Ali (a) was appointed to recite the verses of Surah at-Tawbah to the polytheists.

9 Dhul Hijjah

The day all the doors of Masjid an-Nabi were closed except for the door of Imam Ali (a).

18 Dhul Hijjah

Eid al-Ghadir

24 Dhul Hijjah

Eid al-Mubahalah; the day Imam Ali (a) gave his ring as zakah in ruku.

25 Dhul Hijjah

Revelation of Surah al-Insan (Imam Ali (a)  and his family gave their iftar after fasting to a poor person, an orphan, and a prisoner for 3 days); wedding anniversary of Imam Ali (a) and Sayyidah Fatima (a); the day people pledged allegiance to Imam Ali (a) for his khilafah.

Wadi as-Salam

In our journey towards meeting our Creator, our souls go through many different stages and realms. We first exist in 'alam al-dhar (the realm of pre-existence), then 'alam al-batn (the womb) and 'alam ad-dunya (this world).When our souls leave this world, they enter the fourth realm of our journey: barzakh. According to the Qur'an and ahadith, after we die and our souls enter the realm of barzakh, the souls of mu'minin enter the Wadi as-Salam, and the evil souls enter the land of Barahut (the land of Uneasiness). Based on these narrations, this why the graveyard of Wadi as-Salam holds a special significance. It was the tradition of our Imams and 'ulama to visit this graveyard to contemplate and reflect. So, as you walk through Wadi as-Salam, think about where we came from, our responsibilities in this world, and our final destination. Imagine your casket being carried out. Reflect on your actions, and ask Allah to place your soul amongst the mu'minin in this graveyard.

Some people think they need to be physically buried here for their souls to be here. However that is not true. Regardless of where you are buried, if you are a true believer, your soul will be transferred here. People also think if they construct houses here, they will be buried here. However this, too, is not necessarily true. According to ahadith, the soul of a believer will travel to the River of Kawthar through Wadi as-Salam, and the believers will gather in gardens around this area, drinking delicious beverages and talking to each other. It will be like a piece of heaven!

Maqam Imam Mahdi (aj) and Imam Sadiq (a)

This place is among the oldest places attributed to his eminence, Imam Mahdi (aj). Imam Sadiq (a) used to come here often to offer his prayers and has introduced it as the Mihrab of Imam Mahdi (aj). Imam Zaman (aj) will pass through this spot during the early days of his just government and will head towards the capital of his government Kufah. The Noble Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a) will meet at this spot during the raj'at (return.).

'Allamah Bahr al-Ulum who passed away in the year 1212AH, rebuilt this place, Sayed Muhammad Khan, the king of Sanad (British India), tiled the dome and maqam. On 9th Sha'ban, the Imam (aj) ziyarah was carved on a stone in the mihrab. Muhaddith Nuri says: The Maqam of Imam Mahdi (aj), which contains a haram and a dome, islocated in the west side of the famous Wadi as-Salam cemetery. The maqam contains a mihrab that has been attributed to Imam Mahdi (aj). The exact history of this mihrab and attribution to Imam Mahdi (aj) is unclear. It might have been due to him praying there or a miracle that occured in this place. 

Prophet Hud and Saleh (a)

Prophet Hud (a)

Was one of the great Prophets of Allah who lived amongst the tribe of 'Ad in the land of Ahaf (in modern day Yemen). He was amongst the people as a great man for his beautiful akhlaq and characteristics. The people of 'Ad were wealthy and powerful people who lived long lives,had great income, lived in lush lands, and enjoyed many other blessings from Allah. 


Unforntunately, they slowly became heedless towards Allah and began rebelling by worshipping idols. Prophet Hud (a) was appointed by Allah to invite the people towards worshipping one God, Allah, and ceasing their idolworshipping and oppression. Prophet Hud (a) endeavored for many years to invite the people towards the truth. He would say, ''I do not want any rewards or money from you, and I am not inviting you for wealth or power. I am inviting you only foryour own success''. 

However, the people were oppressive towards Prophet Hud (a) and persisted in their wrongdoings. They would callhim names, such as ''crazy'' and ''liar'', and arrogantly taunt him to send the punishment from Allah if he was indeed speaking the truth. Prophet Hud (a) continued to adviuse and guide them, but only a few believed while the rest denied his words and continued in their stubborn ways. Slowly, Allah's punishments became apparent. A drought took over the land, killing their crops. Then, one day, a cloud appeared in the sky, and the people became happy, but were unaware that this cloud was a cloud of punishment. Soon Allah unleashed upon thema vicious and ferocious winds. It is said that the wind was so strong that it destroyed the land over the course of seven nights and eight days. By the command of Allah, everything and everyone on the land was destroyed, except Prophet Hud and his companions, who were saved by the mercy of Allah. After this incident, Prophet Hud (a) migrated towards the land of Hadramut.

Prophet Saleh (a)

After the tribe of 'Ad had been destroyed by their sins, the people of Thamud settled on the same land and Allah gave them even more blessings than the people of 'Ad. They had gardens, groves, and rock houses situated in between the mountains, to protect themfrom any calamities. Just like the people of 'Ad, they lived comfertable lives full of blessings, but instead of thanking Allah and worshipping Him, they too began worshipping idols. In order tohelp them mend their ways, Allah appointed Prophet Saleh (a) to guide them.


While a few wise people believed, the others taunted Prophet Saleh (a), and asked him to show them a miracle. By the power of Allah, Prophet Saleh (a) granted this request and made a pregnant she-camel appear from inside the mountain. He warned the people not to harm the camel or else Allah would cast a fierce punishment upon them. Prophet Saleh (a) camel lived peacefully in the land and would eat and drink from the lush land. After witnissing this miracle, some people started to believe, but others others persisted in their disbelief. Seeing Prophet Saleh (a) miracle only made them more angry, and they wanted to kill him, but could not do so because they were afraid for their own lives. Instead, they decided to kill the camel. 


First, the hypocrites cut off her legs and then killed her. They then said to Prophet Saleh (a), ''If you speak the truth and truly are the Prophet of Allah, then unleash the punishment that you warned us about.'' Prophet Saleh (a) urged them to seek forgiveness from Allah, as they only had three days to live before the punishment was sent down. They ignored his warning, however, and continued to taunt him, asking him to make the punishment come sooner.


Prophet Saleh (a) replied, ''How I wish you would ask forgiveness from Allah so that maybe you would be saved from the punishment.'' Instead, some of these evil men plotted to kill Prophet Saleh (a) and his companions, but Allah is the best of planners. Before they could execute their plan, lightning struck from the skies, killing all while they were in their beds. As Prophet Saleh (a) passed by their bodies, he sorrowfully said, ''O people, I delivered the message of Allah to you, but you did not listen because of your arrogance and ignorance. 

Kumayl Ibn Ziyad

Kumayl was among the famous companions of Imam Ali (a), known for his bravery and loyalty. He was one of the eight famous pious and ascetic individuals of Kufah. Imam Ali (a) taught him a special Du'a, Dua al-Khidr, which is more commonly known as Du'a Kumayl, and is recited on Thursday night or the eve of 15th Sha'ban.  After Imam Ali (a) martydom, Kumayl was a loyal and obedient companion of Imam Hassan (a), and one of the few who supported the Imam (a) even during the peace treaty. When Imam Hassan (a) was martyed, Kumayl was not in Medinah, and even during the battle of Karbala he was imprisoned until the day after Ashura. Once he was released he began preaching and spreading the news of what happened to the Ahl al-Bayt (a). He also fought alongside Mukhtar and after this, he went into hiding. Nobody knew about his whereabouts, except Imam as-Sajjad (a). When Hajjaj ibn Yusuf ath-Thaqafi became the governer of Kufah, he wanted to seek out Kumayl, but since he was hiding, he seized his tribe's portion of income from the public treasury. Once Kumayl witnessed this, he could not bare the thought of others being oppressed because of him, so he came out of hiding. Hajjaj martyred Kumayl in the year 83 AH at the age of 90, just as Imam Ali (a) had fortold him. 

Kumayl narrates a story on Amir al-Muminin

Ali Ibn Ebi Talib (a) took me by hand to a place Jabbah. As we reached the desert, he took and ''O Kumayl! These hearts are just like vessels, and the best of them is the one who protects what is in it. O Kumayl remember what I tell you: People are of three kinds: mystical scholars, students on the path of salvation, and those who are weak and listen to and obey anyone (the Imam (a) compares these people to flies who sit anywhere and fly off at any change). These people have not benefited from the light of knowledge and have not sought out a firm pillar (reliable teacher). O Kumayl! Knowledge is better than wealth. Knowledge protects you, whereas you have to protect your wealth. Wealth decreases when you give, yet your knowledge increases when you share it. O Kumayl! Seekers of wealth will vanish, while the scholars will remain as long as the days remain. Even if they are not amongst us physically, they exist within the hearts. 

Maqam of Amir al-Muminin (a) shrine of Uthayb Yamani

Uthayb Yamani passed away in the year 37 AH and was buried in Najaf by Amir al-Muminin (a). Its reported that one day, the Imam Ali (a) was sitting in the desert outside Najaf when he saw a person carrying on a camel, heading towards Najaf. As he got closer, the Imam (a) asked him, ''Where are you coming from?'' The man replied, ''Yemen.'' The imam (a) then asked, ''Whose body is this?'' He replied, ''My father. I have brought him here to bury him in this land.'' The Imam (a) asked, ''Why didn't you bury him in your own city?''. He replied, ''My father's last words were to tell us that a man will be buried here through whose intercession a multitude of people will be forgiven.'' The Imam (a) asked, ''Do you know who that man is?'' He replied ''No.'' The Imam (a) then repeated three times, ''By Allah, I am that man.'' Then, the Imam (a) stood up and helped bury the body.

Maqam of Imam Zayn al-Abidin

Every time Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a) would go to Najaf to visit his grandfather, Amir ul Mumineen (a), he would stay in the same place. Imam al-Baqir (a): For several years after the martydom of his father, Imam Hussain (a), my father, Ali ibn al-Hussain (a), lived in a small house in the outskirts of the city because he did not want to interact with others (those that killed his father). When he would perform the ziyarah of his grandfather, Imam Ali (a), or his father, Imam Hussain (a), he would try to go without people noticing.''

Masjid Hannanah

Is located between Najaf and Kufah, close to the grave of Kumayl Ibn Ziyad. It is on this land where the blessed and holy head of Imam Hussain (a) was placed while on the journey towards Kufah. When this happened,the ground mourned and cried out,and later, a masjid was built as a reminder of this mourning. The word Hannanah means ''crying''.

Ibn Abi Umayr narrates from Mufadal: When Imam as-Sadiq (a) came to this place, he offered a two raka'at prayer. When he was asked about the prayer, the Imam (a) said, ''This is the place where the blessed head of my grandfather (a) was placed when they were taking it from Karbala to 'Ubayd Allah Ibn Ziyad'. 

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