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Who is Imam Ali (pbuh)?

Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said to Muhammad bin Muslim Al-Thaqafi: Go to the grave of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him), stand opposite him, and visit him with this visit... until he says in it: Peace be upon the name of God... but what name?

Peace be upon the pleased name of God.

Peace be upon the face of God moving forward.

Peace be upon the strong side of God.

Peace be upon God’s straight path.

Until he says: Peace be upon the enlightening light of God, and His shining light.

When one preforms the ziyarah of my grandfather Imam Ali (a) with ma'rifah (deep understanding), Allah will record for him/her the reward of an accepted Hajj and Umrah for each step he/she takes.

Imam Sadiq (a):

Behind Kufah (Najaf) is the first place where Allah was worshipped. When Allah commanded the angels to perform sajdah to Prophet Adam (a), the angels prostrated behind Kufah.

Imam Ali (a):

There will be no believer left in the west or the east, except that his soul will be taken to Wadi as-Salam.

Imam Sadiq (a):

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may God’s blessings be upon the most honorable of all creation, Abu Al-Qasim Muhammad and his good and pure family, and perpetual curse be upon their enemies until the Day of Judgment. The world has not known a man who combined virtues and noble morals - after the Greatest Messenger - like the Imam, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him). He preceded the first ones, and was more incapable than the others. His virtues are too numerous to count, and his qualities are beyond infinite. His morals were a beacon of the light of the creation of the Noble Prophet, who was raised in his room and lived at the table of his noble morals, until he grew up and his manhood was complete, as he used to guide him with great sermons and morals. His morals grew lofty, and his characters became high. He was elevated, and his virtues, morals, and honors remained alive and shining in his soul until he left this world.

The Legacy of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)
The hadith about Ali bin Abi Talib is long. Volumes cannot contain it, nor numbers can enumerate it. However, what cannot be comprehended in its entirety does not neglect its glory. It is sufficient for us to point out here some of his characteristics and morals, so that they may be a beacon that illuminates for us the path of closeness to God Almighty and the ascension to Him. We live the life of Ali bin Abi Talib and die his death.

The Difference Between Light and Light
The difference between light and light is like the difference between the light of the sun and the moon. The sun is luminous, and the moon is luminous because it reflects its light in a small proportion. The luminous sun here is the Messenger of God, and its light is evident to Ali! But what does Al-Anwar mean? What is the meaning of Al-Azhar?

The Marvel of the Angels
Here the angels have the right to marvel at the stations of Ali, and they were amazed! That is Ali bin Abi Talib, who, when he heard someone under his pulpit saying that I have been wronged, has the right to say to him: "You were wronged once, but I was wronged as many as the stones and pebbles!"


  1. The virtues and morals of Ali bin Abi Talib are documented in numerous Islamic texts and sources.

  2. His upbringing under the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) is mentioned in various hadiths.

  3. The phrase about Ali's suffering and being wronged can be found in Islamic literature and sermons.

  4. Comparisons between the Prophet and Imam Ali are often drawn to highlight their closeness and similarities in virtues and moral conduct.

The legacy and teachings of Ali bin Abi Talib serve as a guiding light for believers, inspiring them to lead a life of righteousness, justice, and devotion to God.

The Virtues of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) in the Quran

The Commander of the Faithful, Ali (peace be upon him), is highlighted in numerous verses that elucidate his virtues, status, characteristics, noble morals, and the necessity of obeying him. Abdullah Ibn Abbas remarked that no one is mentioned more in the Book of God than Ali (peace be upon him). He stated: "There is not a verse in the Book of God that begins with 'O you who have believed,' except that Ali is its first, prince, and honorable person." He noted that while God rebuked the companions of Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family), He mentioned Ali only with goodness. This is narrated by Al-Tabarani and Ibn Abi Hatim on the authority of Ibn Abbas.

Significant Verses Related to Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

  1. Surah Al-Insan (76:1-22):

    • This Surah was revealed about Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan, and Al-Hussein (peace be upon them).

  2. Al-Ma’idah (5:55):

    • “Indeed, your guardian is Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed - those who establish prayer and pay zakat while bowing.” The commentators agreed that this verse was revealed about Ali (peace be upon him).

  3. Al-Shura (42:23):

    • “Say: I do not ask you for any reward except love for my kin.” The kin referred to are Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan, Al-Hussein (peace be upon them), and the Imams from the progeny of Al-Hussein.

  4. An-Najm (53:1-4):

    • “By the star when it descends…” Sunnis and Shiites narrated that the Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said, “Whoever falls on that planet in his abode is my successor after me.” The star fell in the house of Ali (peace be upon him).

  5. Al-Ma’idah (5:67):

    • “O Messenger, convey what has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not do it, you have not conveyed His message.” This verse was revealed before Ghadir Khumm, where the Prophet announced Ali's (peace be upon him) guardianship.

  6. Al-Ma’idah (5:3):

    • “Today I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you…” This verse was revealed after the incident of Ghadir Khumm.

  7. Al-Haqqah (69:12):

    • “And an aware ear perceives it.” The Messenger of God said: “It is your ear, O Ali.”

  8. Al-Waqi’ah (56:10-11):

    • “And the forerunners, the forerunners - those are the ones brought near.” It is reported that the predecessors mentioned include Ali (peace be upon him).

  9. At-Tawbah (9:19):

    • “Have you made the provision of water for the pilgrims and the caretaker of the Sacred Mosque like he who believes in God and the Last Day and strives in the cause of God?” This verse was revealed about Ali (peace be upon him), Al-Abbas, and Shaybah.

  10. As-Sajdah (32:18):

    • “Is he who is a believer like he who is a transgressor? They are not equal.” This was revealed about Ali (peace be upon him) and Al-Walid bin Uqba.

  11. Al-Mujadila (58:12):

    • “O you who have believed, when you consult the Messenger, then give charity before your consultation.” No one acted on this verse except Ali (peace be upon him).

  12. Maryam (19:96):

    • “Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - the Most Gracious will bestow for them love.” This verse was revealed about Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him).

  13. Al-Bayyinah (98:7):

    • “Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - they are the best of creation.” This verse was revealed about Ali (peace be upon him).

  14. Muhammad (47:30):

    • “And you will recognize them by the tone of speech.” This verse is about those who harbor hatred for Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him).

  15. Al-Ahzab (33:33):

    • “Allah only desires to remove uncleanness from you, O People of the House, and to purify you with a thorough purification.” This verse was revealed when the Prophet sat with Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan, and Al-Hussein (peace be upon them) under the cloak.

  16. At-Tahrim (66:4):

    • “And if they contend against him, then surely God is his master and Gabriel and the righteous of the believers.” The righteous believer referred to is Ali bin Abi Talib.

  17. Az-Zumar (39:33):

    • “And he who brought the truth and believed in it.” Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) brought the truth, and Ali (peace be upon him) believed in it.

  18. Hud (11:17):

    • “Is he then upon clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him follows it.” The witness is Ali (peace be upon him).

  19. Al-Baqarah (2:124):

    • “Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people. He said, 'And of my descendants.' He said, 'My covenant will not reach the wrongdoers.'” The Messenger of God said: “I am the call of my father Abraham.” The call ended with the Prophet and with Ali.

These verses and numerous other traditions highlight the unique and exalted status of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in Islam, emphasizing his virtues, his close relationship with the Prophet, and his rightful position as a leader and guide for the Muslim community.


  1. Al-Tabarani

  2. Ibn Abi Hatim

  3. Al-Jaloudi

  4. Al-Tabarani

  5. Abu Nu’aym

  6. Muhammad bin Mumin Al-Shirazi

  7. Al-Hasakani

  8. Abu Al-Faraj Al-Isfahani

  9. Al-Hibri

  10. Al-Marzbani

  11. Abu Ishaq Al-Thaqafi

  12. Abu Jaafar Al-Qummi

  13. Al-Mujasha’i

  14. Abu Abdullah Al-Khorasani

  15. Al-Durr Al-Manthur by Al-Suyuti

  16. Tafsir Al-Thaalabi

  17. Tadhkirat Al-Khawas by Sibt Ibn Al-Jawzi

  18. Bihar Al-Anwar by Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi

  19. Tafsir Al-Qurtubi

  20. Al-Amali by Sheikh Al-Tusi

the martyrdom of Imam, Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him)

Imam Ali was martyred in the year 40 AH during the month of Ramadan. He was struck on the head with a poisoned sword by Ibn Muljam while praying in the mosque of Kufa. He succumbed to his injuries on the 21st of Ramadan. Imam Ali was sixty-three years old at the time of his martyrdom, though some sources suggest he may have been sixty-four or sixty-five.

His Final Words and Will
Before his death, Imam Ali delivered his final will, which emphasized piety, truth, justice, and the importance of maintaining family and social bonds. He advised his sons, Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, to uphold these values and to be just and compassionate. He also stressed the importance of prayer, zakat, and other fundamental Islamic practices.

The Will of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

Key Points

Imam Ali's will, as narrated by historical sources, highlighted the need for piety, avoidance of worldly temptations, and maintaining family and community ties. He urged his followers to continue enjoining good and forbidding evil, to support orphans and the poor, and to uphold the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet.

Burial of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)
Imam Ali was buried secretly in Najaf to protect his grave from desecration by his enemies. His sons and a select group of loyal companions knew the exact location of his grave. The secrecy surrounding his burial was a precaution against any potential desecration by the Umayyads.

Imam Ali’s life and legacy are a testament to his unwavering faith, justice, and commitment to the principles of Islam. His final words and actions continue to inspire Muslims around the world, emphasizing the importance of righteousness, compassion, and steadfastness in the face of adversity. His burial in Najaf has become a significant site of pilgrimage, symbolizing his enduring legacy and the profound impact he had on the Islamic world.

This summary captures the essence of Imam Ali's life, lineage, martyrdom, and his final will, reflecting his deep commitment to Islamic principles and the lasting influence of his legacy.

Certaintly, Allah has placed your grave and the graves of your children in visibile, honorable, and heavenly places. He has made the hearts of his chosen and pure servants love you so deeply that they will bear torture, pain, and belittlement in order to come visit your graves. In order to seek nearness to Allah and strengthen their friendship with the Prophet (s), they will come visit you frequently. O Ali, these servants will receive my intercession and enter the Fountain of Kawthar, and they will be my visitors in Heaven.

Rasullah Allah (s) said to Imam Ali (a):

Imam Ali peace be upon him the Sublime

Honorable Titles of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

The most famous of his titles is Abu Al-Hassan, but he was also known as Abu Al-Hussein and Abu Al-Sibtain. Additionally, he (peace be upon him) is referred to as the father of the two basils, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (peace be upon them). This title was given to him by the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family), who said to him in his final recommendations: "Peace be upon you, Abu Al-Rihantain, I entrust you with my two basils from this world." He was also called Abu Turab, which was a beloved title to him. The Prophet saw him prostrating with his face in the dirt and said to him: "Sit down, Abu Turab." The narrator noted that there was no name more beloved to Ali (peace be upon him) than this one.

His Honorable Titles (Peace Be Upon Him)
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) had many titles, each reflecting his numerous virtues and lofty positions:

  • Haidar, Haidara: This title, which he mentioned during his duel ("I am the one whom my mother called me Haidara..."), instilled prestige and awe in the hearts of people.

  • Al-Murtada: In a Holy Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: "I was pleased with Fatima for Ali, and Ali for her, for he is the one whose actions and words are pleasing to God, and he is Ali, the one who is pleased with God Almighty."

  • Gate to the City of Knowledge: The Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate, so whoever wants knowledge should come to the city from its gate."

  • Commander of the Faithful: The Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) gave him this title, saying: "Greet Ali with the command of the believers." This title was exclusive to Imam Ali (peace be upon him), even the Imams of Guidance (peace be upon them) did not share this title.

  • Other Titles: The Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) also referred to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as "Master of the Muslims, Imam of the God-fearing, Commander of the beautiful strangers, Master of the Arabs, Master of the guardians, and the dragonfly of the believers."

Additional Titles and Attributes
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was also known by several other revered titles:

  • The guardian of God

  • The beloved of God

  • The servant of God

  • The lion of God

  • The sword of God

  • The guardian of the Messenger of God

  • The successor of the Messenger of God

  • The brother of the Messenger of God, his guardian, and his minister

  • The boy of Quraysh

  • Dhul-Qarnayn

  • The divider of Paradise and Hell

  • The greatest friend

  • The distinguisher who differentiates between truth and falsehood

  • The dragonfly of religion

These titles are well-documented in established and authentic narrations agreed upon by hadith scholars and historians of all walks of life and sects.

The birth of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him)

On the authority of Abu Abdullah Jaafar bin Muhammad (peace be upon them), on the authority of his fathers (peace be upon them), he said: Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Yazid bin Qa’nab were sitting between the group of Bani Hashim and the group of Abdul Uzza in front of the Sacred House of God. They witnessed Fatima bint Asad bin Hashem, the mother of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him), as she was pregnant with the Commander of the Faithful for nine months, and it was the day of completion.

He said: So she stood in front of the Sacred House, and the pains of childbirth took her. She threw her limbs towards the sky and said: "O Lord, I believe in You, and in what was brought from You by the Messenger, and by every prophet of Your prophets, and by every book that You revealed, and I believe in the words of my grandfather Abraham Al-Khalil, and that he built Your ancient house. So I ask You by the right of this house and who built it, and by this newborn that is in my womb who speaks to me and comforts me with his speech, and I am certain that it is one of Your signs and evidence.

When my birth was easy for me."

Miraculous Event at the Sacred House

Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Yazid bin Qa'nab said: "When Fatima bint Asad spoke and prayed this supplication, we saw the house open at the back, and Fatima entered it and disappeared from our sight. Then the opening came back and closed with the permission of God (the Almighty). We decided to open the door so that some women could reach her, but the door did not open, so we knew that this was a command from God Almighty. Fatima remained in the house for three days."

The People of Mecca Speak of the Miracle

He said: "The people of Mecca talked about this in their mouths and in their rooms. When three days had passed, the house opened from the place where she had entered, and Fatima and Ali (peace be upon him) came out on her hands. Then she said: 'People, God Almighty has chosen me from His creation, and has preferred me over the chosen ones from those who came before me. God chose Asiyah bint Muzahim because she worshiped God secretly in a place where he did not like to worship God except under necessity, and Maryam bint Imran because God chose her and facilitated the birth of Jesus for her. She shook the withered trunk of the palm tree in a desert of the earth until it rained down on her fresh. Indeed, God (God Almighty) chose me and favored me over them and over all the women of the worlds who came before me because I was born in His ancient house, and I remained there for three days eating from the fruits and leaves of Paradise.'"

Naming of Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

"When I wanted to go out with my son in my hands, a voice called out to me and said: 'O Fatima, name him Ali, for I am the Most High, the Most High. I created him from My power, the glory of My majesty, and the justice of My justice. I derived his name from My name, and I disciplined him with My manners, and I delegated My command to him. I entrusted him with the mysteries of My knowledge, and he was born in My house. He is the first to call the call to prayer above My house, to break the idols and throw them on their faces, to venerate Me, to glorify Me, and to praise Me. He is the Imam after My beloved and My prophet, and the best of My creation, Muhammad is My messenger and his guardian. Blessed are those who love him and support him, and woe to those who disobey him, abandon him, and deny his rights.'"

Abu Talib's Joy and Ali's Greeting

He said: "When Abu Talib saw him, he was pleased, and Ali (peace be upon him) said: 'Peace be upon you, father, and God’s mercy and blessings.'"

He said: "Then the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) entered. When he entered, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) shook at him and laughed in his face, and said: 'Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God, and God’s mercy and blessings.' He then recited: 'In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (Indeed, the believers have succeeded* those who are humble in their prayers)' until the end of the verses. Then the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: 'They have succeeded with you,' and he recited the entire verses up to his saying: 'Those are the heirs* who will inherit Paradise. They will abide therein forever.' The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: 'You and God are their commander, you will rule them. They will learn from your knowledge, and you, by God, are their guide, and by you they will be guided.'"

Ali's Birth: A Divine Sign

Then the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace) said to Fatima: "Go to his uncle Hamza and give him good news about him."

She said: "If I leave, who will narrate it?" He said: "I narrate it." Fatima said: "Are you narrating it?" He said: "Yes," so the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace) put his tongue in Ali's mouth, and twelve eyes gushed from it. He said: "So that day was called the Day of Tarwiyah, and when Fatima bint Asad returned, she saw a light that had risen from Ali (peace be upon him) to the heavens." The birth was on Friday, the thirteenth of God’s holy month, Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant, that is, thirty years after the birth of the Greatest Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family).

The Birth of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) in the Kaaba

The birth of Ali (peace be upon him) in the Kaaba is a unique event that has not been documented for anyone before or after. This distinction is recognized not only by Shiite scholars but also by numerous Sunni scholars. Here is a sample of Sunni scholars who have acknowledged this event and its significance as one of Ali's (peace be upon him) unique virtues:

  1. Al-Fakihi (d. 275 AH)

    • Stated in "Akhbar Mecca": "The first of the Bani Hashim immigrants to be born in the Kaaba was Ali bin Abi Talib." [Akhbar Mecca 3: 226]

  2. Al-Qaffal al-Shashi al-Shafi’i (d. 365 AH)

    • In "The Virtues of the Commander of the Faithful": "No one was born in the Kaaba except Ali." [See Al-Jalali: Walid Al-Kaaba: 186]

  3. Al-Hakim Al-Naysaburi (d. 405 AH)

    • In "Al-Mustadrak on the Two Sahih Books": "News has circulated that Fatima bint Asad gave birth to the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib, inside the Kaaba." [Al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn 3: 550]

  4. Al-Busti Al-Mu’tazili (d. 420 AH)

    • Mentioned in "Al-Maratib": "Then he has an advantage and a characteristic in the mosque that no one shares with him: he was born in the Kaaba." [Kitab al-Maratib: 60]

  5. Ibn al-Maghazili al-Maliki (d. 483 AH)

    • Stated in his book "Al-Manaqib" that Ali (peace be upon him) was born in the Kaaba, and mentioned the entire birth story. [Al-Manaqib, p. 58]

  6. Ibn Shuja’ al-Mawsili al-Shami (d. 646 AH)

    • In "The Living Bliss": "He was born in the Holy Kaaba, and no one else was born there." [The Eternal Bliss: 129]

  7. Ibn al-Jawzi al-Hanafi (d. 654 AH)

    • Mentioned in "Tadhkirat al-Khawas" that Ali (peace be upon him) was born inside the Kaaba. [Tadhkirat al-Khawas, p. 10]

  8. Al-Juwayni Al-Shafi’i (d. 730 AH)

    • In "Fara’id Al-Samatin": "No one was born in the Kaaba except Ali." [Fara’id al-Samatain 2: 425]

  9. Al-Dhahabi (d. 848 AH)

    • Confirmed what Al-Hakim Al-Naysaburi reported regarding the frequency of news about the birth of Ali (peace be upon him) inside the Kaaba. [Summary of Al-Mustadrak 3: 550]

  10. Al-Diyar Al-Bakri (d. 982 AH)

    • In "Tarikh Al-Khamis": "In the thirtieth year of his birth, Ali bin Abi Talib was born in the Kaaba." [Tarikh al-Khamis 1: 279]

  11. Ali Al-Qari Al-Hanafi (d. 1014 AH)

    • After mentioning the claim of Hakim ibn Hazzam's birth: "No one is known to have been born in the Kaaba except Ali." [Sharh al-Shifa 1: 150]

  12. Burhan al-Din al-Halabi al-Shafi’i (d. 1044 AH)

    • In "Al-Sirah al-Halabiyya": "Ali (peace be upon him) was born in the Kaaba." [Al-Sirah Al-Halabiyya 1: 154, 3: 405]

  13. Wali Allah Al-Dahlawi Al-Hanafi (d. 1176 AH)

    • In "Removing the Hidden": "There have been reports that Fatima bint Asad gave birth to the Commander of the Faithful, Ali, inside the Kaaba." [Removing Al-Khifa 2: 2512]

  14. Al-Alusi

    • Explained the statement of the Hanafi poet, Abd al-Baqi al-Amri: "The fact that the prince, may God honor his face, was born in the house is a famous matter in the world." [Sharh Al-Kharida fi Sharh Al-Qasida Al-Ayna: 15]

  15. Ibn al-Fattall in "Rawdat al-Wa’izin"

    • Mentioned the birth of Ali in the Kaaba in "Kashf al-Yaqin" by Allama al-Hilli, and "Kashf al-Haqq" from "Bishara al-Mustafa" and in "Al-Irshad" by Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Dailami. [Irshad al-Qulub: 211]

  16. Muhammad Salih al-Tirmidhi

    • Briefly mentioned in "Manaqib Murtazavi". [Manaqib Murtazavi: 87, ed. Bombay, 1321 AH]

  17. Sheikh Al-Saduq (d. 381 AH)

    • Narrated with some changes in "Al-Amali", "Ilal Al-Shara’i’" and "Ma’ani Al-Akhbar". [Al-Amali 9:114, Ilal Al-Shar’i’ 3:1 and 135, and Ma’ani Al-Akhbar 10:62]

  18. Al-Ghadir by Allama Al-Amini

    • Reviewed Sunni and Shiite opinions and sources mentioning Ali's birth in the Kaaba, including poets who mentioned the incident in their poems.

  19. Murooj al-Dhahab

    • Written by Abu al-Hasan al-Masoudi al-Hudhali. [Murooj al-Dhahab 2:2]

  20. Important Chapters

    • Written by Ibn al-Sabbagh al-Maliki. [Important Chapters, p. 14]

  21. Biography of the Prophet

    • Written by Nour al-Din Ali al-Hanbali al-Shafi’i. [Biography of the Prophet 1:150]

  22. Sharh Al-Shifa

    • Written by Sheikh Ali, the Hanafi reciter. [Sharh Al-Shifa 1:151]

  23. Matalib al-Su’ul

    • Written by Abu Salem Muhammad bin Talha al-Shafi’i. [Matalib al-Su’ul, p. 11]

  24. Al-Awael Lecture

    • Written by Sheikh Alaa Al-Din Al-Saktawari. [Al-Awael Lecture, p. 120]

  25. Miftah al-Naja fi Manaqib Al-Aba

    • Written by Mirza Muhammad al-Badakhshi.

  26. Al-Manaqib

    • Written by Prince Muhammad Saleh Al-Tirmidhi.

  27. Nuzhat al-Majalis

    • Written by Abd al-Rahman al-Safwi al-Shafi’i. [Nuzhat al-Majalis 2:204]

  28. Smells of the Mustafa

    • Written by Sadr al-Din Ahmad al-Bardawani. [Smells of the Mustafa, p. 10]

  29. The Book of Al-Hussein

    • Written by Sayyid Ali Jalal al-Din. [The Book of Al-Hussein 1:16]

  30. Nour Al-Absar

    • Written by Mr. Muhammad Mu’min Al-Shiblangi. [Nour Al-Absar 76]

  31. Kifayat al-Talib

    • Written by Sheikh Habibullah al-Shanqeeti. [Kifayat al-Talib, p. 37]

These numerous accounts from Sunni scholars affirm the unique and honored birth of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) within the sacred walls of the Kaaba, a distinction shared by no other.

The prophetic mission and the migration

The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) frequently visited the house of his uncle Abu Talib, despite his marriage to Khadija and living with her in a separate house. He used to embrace Ali (peace be upon him) with his affections, surround him with his care, carry him on his chest, and move his cradle when he slept, among other manifestations of care.

God's Blessings Upon Ali

One of the blessings of God Almighty upon Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) was the severe crisis that struck the Quraysh. Abu Talib had many children, and the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said to Abbas, one of the wealthier members of Bani Hashim: “O Abbas, your brother Abu Talib has many dependents, and you see the crisis affecting the people. Let us reduce the number of his dependents for him. I will take one from his house, and you will take one, and we will suffice them for him.” Al-Abbas agreed.

They went to Abu Talib and said to him: “We want to relieve you of some of your family burdens due to the crisis affecting everyone.” Abu Talib agreed on the condition that they leave Aqil with him. So the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) took Ali (peace be upon him) and embraced him. Ali was six years old at that time. Al-Abbas took Ja’far. Ali bin Abi Talib remained with the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) until God sent him as a prophet. Ali followed him, believed in him, and supported him. Ja’far also stayed with Al-Abbas until he converted to Islam.

The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said after he chose Ali (peace be upon him): “I have chosen the one whom God has chosen for me, Ali, over you.”

Thus, Ali (peace be upon him) lived from his childhood in the care of Muhammad, the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family), growing up under his lofty heavenly morals, drawing from the springs of his affection and tenderness. He raised Ali (peace be upon him) according to the teachings of his Lord Almighty.

Ali's Education and Training by the Prophet

Imam Ali (peace be upon him) referred to the dimensions of the education he received from the Prophet in his sermon known as Al-Qasa’ah: “You know my position from the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) by kinship and special status. He put me on his lap when I was a boy, holding me to his chest, enveloping me in his bed, touching me with his body, and smelling me with his mane. He used to chew something and then feed it to me, and he did not find a lie in my word or a mistake in my action.”

Ali further stated: “I used to follow him in the footsteps of a camel following its mother. He raised knowledge for me every day of his morals and commanded me to imitate him. Every year he used to go to Hira, and I could see him and no one else could see him. There was only one house in Islam at that time other than the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) and Khadija, and I was the third of them. I saw the light of revelation and the message, and smelled the scent of prophecy. I heard the ring of Satan when the revelation came down to him (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family), so I said: ‘O Messenger of God, what is this noise?’ He said: ‘This devil is hopeless of being worshipped. You hear what I hear and see what I see, except that you are not a prophet, but you are a minister and you are on a path of goodness.’”

Ali's Role in Early Islam

From the time of his mission to the migration, Ali (peace be upon him) was the first believer in the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family). He followed the Prophet closely, adopting his values, behaviors, and morals. The Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) began to create the nucleus of the faithful family consisting of himself, Khadija, and Ali (peace be upon them).

Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), who was raised in the Prophet’s lap, never prostrated to an idol or associated anything with God. When the revelation came to the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family), Ali was by his side and was the first to believe in his message.

Ali's Declaration of Faith

On the authority of Anas bin Malik, it is said: “The prophecy was revealed to the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) on Monday, and Ali prayed on Tuesday.” Salman Al-Farsi also stated: “The first of this nation to receive flowers from its Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) was Ali bin Abi Talib.”

On the authority of Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, he heard Omar bin Al-Khattab saying: “Stop mentioning Ali bin Abi Talib unless it is good, for I heard the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) saying: ‘Ali has three qualities, and I wish I had one of them, each one dearer to me than anything the sun shines upon. They are: you are the first of the Muslims to convert to Islam, you are the first of the believers in faith, and you are to me what Aaron was to Moses.’ He who claims that he loves me while he hates you is lying.”

Historians agree that Ali was the first person to convert to Islam. Though there are varying accounts of his age at that time, it is widely accepted that he was raised as a believer, never having associated anything with God.

Ali's Early Worship

Ali (peace be upon him) declared that he was the first to pray after the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family), saying: “No one preceded me except the Messenger of God in prayer.” Habba al-Arni narrated that he saw Ali laughing and expressing: “O God, I do not know that any servant from this nation worshipped You before me other than its Prophet.”

It is stated in the interpretation of the Almighty’s saying: “And kneel with those who bow” (Quran 2:43) by Ibn Abbas: “It was revealed about the Messenger of God and Ali bin Abi Talib, and they were the first to pray and kneel.”

Anas bin Malik reported that the Messenger of God said: “The angels prayed for me and for Ali seven times, and that is because the testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger was not raised to heaven except from me and from him.”

The First Congregational Prayer

Before the beginning of his command, the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family) would go out to the streets of Mecca in secret, taking Ali with him to pray. Abu Talib, passing by, asked the Messenger of God about his actions. The Prophet explained his mission, and Ali said: “O father, I believed in the Messenger of God and followed him.”

Abu Talib responded: “My son, if he only called you to goodness, then stick to him.” Another account by Afif Al-Kindi describes how he saw the Prophet, Khadija, and Ali praying together.

The Spread of Islam

The initial followers of Islam, including the Prophet, Ali, and Khadija, prayed in secret until God commanded His Prophet to announce his mission. Early companions used to gather secretly before openly confronting and challenging for the sake of religion and belief.

In conclusion, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was uniquely prepared and nurtured by the Prophet (may God bless him and his family) from a young age, growing in faith, knowledge, and piety under his guidance.


  1. Al-Kafi

  2. Bihar Al-Anwar

  3. Tarikh al-Tabari

  4. Al-Amali by Sheikh Al-Saduq

  5. Al-Ghadir by Allama Al-Amini

  6. Al-Manaqib by Ibn Shahr Ashub

  7. Al-Ihtijaj by Al-Tabarsi

Prophetic Narrations on the Virtues of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) often spoke of the unique virtues and elevated status of Imam Ali (peace be upon him). Here are some of the most significant narrations:

  1. Covenant of God regarding Ali:

    • The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) said: “God Almighty entrusted me with a covenant regarding Ali, and I said: O Lord, make it clear to me. He said: Listen, and I said: I heard. Then he said: Indeed, Ali is the banner of guidance, the leader of my friends, and the light of those who obey me. He is the word that I bind to the righteous: whoever loves him, loves me, and whoever hates him, hates me.” (Al-Amali, Sheikh Al-Saduq, p. 565).

  2. Ali’s Status in the Heavens:

    • The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “Ali is in the seventh heaven like the sun by day on earth, and in the lowest heaven is like the moon by night on earth. God gave Ali from a thousand portions that if it were divided among the people of the earth, it would suffice for them, and God gave him such understanding that if it were divided among the people of the earth, it would suffice for them. I likened his gentleness to that of Lot, his character to that of Yahya, his asceticism to the asceticism of Job, his generosity to the generosity of Abraham, his joy to the joy of Solomon, the son of David, and his strength to the strength of David, and he has a name written on every veil in Paradise” (Al-Amali, Sheikh Al-Saduq, p. 57).

  3. Crossing the Bridge of Sirat:

    • On the authority of Abu Ja’far al-Baqir, who said: The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said, “Whoever desires to pass over the bridge of Sirat like a strong wind and enter Paradise without reckoning, let him take Ali bin Abi Talib as his guardian and follow him as my successor over my family. Whoever wishes to enter Hell should abandon his guardianship, for Ali is the door of God that can only be entered through him. He is the straight path, and on the Day of Resurrection, God will question about his guardianship” (Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, vol. 38, p. 98).

  4. People of Paradise:

    • On the authority of Makhuj bin Yazid Al-Dhahli, who asked the Prophet, “Who are the people of Paradise?” He (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “Whoever obeys me and supports Ali after me.” The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) took Ali’s hand and said: “Indeed, Ali is from me, and I am from him. Whoever opposes him has challenged me, and whoever opposes me has displeased God Almighty. Then he said: O Ali, your war is my war, and your peace is my peace, and you are the flag between me and my nation” (Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah, Al-Hafiz Al-Qanduzi, vol. 1, p. 65).

  5. Ali and Guidance:

    • The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “You will not go astray and you will not perish while you are allied with Ali. If you differ from him, then your paths and desires have led you astray into error. Fear God, for the protection of God is Ali bin Abi Talib” (Yanabi’ al-Amda, Al-Hafiz Al-Qanduzi, vol. 2, p. 293).

  6. Quran and Ali:

    • The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “I will leave behind you the letter of my Lord Almighty and my family. He took Ali’s hand and raised it and said: This is Ali with the Quran and the Quran with Ali. They will not separate until they come to the basin. I will ask them about what I left behind them” (Al-Amali, Al-Tusi, p. 478).

  7. Commander of the Faithful:

    • On the authority of Hudhayfah, who said that the Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “If the people had known when Ali was named Commander of the Faithful, they would not have denied his virtue. He was named Commander of the Faithful when Adam was between the soul and the body. When God said: ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said: ‘Yes!’ Then God Almighty said: ‘I am Your Lord, Muhammad is your Prophet, and Ali is your Commander’” (Establishing Truth and Destroying Falsehood, Al-Tustari, vol. 15, p. 227).

  8. Living and Dying with Ali:

    • On the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said: The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “Whoever wants to live my life, die my death, and live in the eternal garden that my Lord has planted, let him be loyal to Ali after me, and let him be loyal to his guardian. He should follow the example of my family after me, for they are my descendants, created from my clay. They were blessed with my knowledge and understanding. Woe to those of my nation who deny their bounty and sever my ties with them. May God not grant them my intercession” (Fara’id al-Samatin, Al-Hamwini al-Shafi’i, vol. 1, p. 64).

  9. Ali’s Guardianship:

    • The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “O God, whoever believes in me and believes in me, let him be Ali bin Abi Talib’s guardian, for his guardianship is my guardianship, and my guardianship is the guardianship of God” (Al-Amali, Sheikh Al-Tusi, vol. 1, p. 812). He also said: “Whoever loves to live my life, die my death, and enter Paradise, let him follow Ali and his descendants after him” (Al-Manaqib, Al-Khwarizmi, vol. 1, p. 76).

  10. Ali as the Leader:

    • On the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said: The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) was sitting one day when the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (peace be upon him), came. When he saw him, he cried and then said: “Come to me, my brother.” He continued to bring him closer until he sat on his right side. Then he (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said about Ali: “He is my brother, my successor, my standard bearer in this world and the hereafter, the companion of my coffin and my intercession. He is the protector of every Muslim, the imam of every believer, and the leader of every pious person. He is my guardian and successor over my family and nation. During my life and after my death, he who loves him will be my lover, and he who hates him will hate me. By his guardianship, my nation has become merciful, and by his enmity, those who disobey him will be cursed. And I wept when I mentioned his treachery by the nation after me” (Faraid Al-Samatin, Al-Hamwini Al-Shafi’i, vol. 2, p. 25).

  11. Heavenly Journey and Ali:

    • The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “When I was taken on a journey to heaven and then to the Sidra of the final destination, I was stopped before my Lord, the Almighty and Majestic. He said to me: O Muhammad. I said: Here I am O my Lord, I am pleased with You. He said: You have found my character. Which of them did you find to be more obedient to you? I said: My Lord, Ali. He said: You have spoken the truth, O Muhammad. Have you taken for yourself a caliph who will perform on your behalf and teach My servants from My Book what they do not know? I said no, so choose for me, for Your choice is better for me. He said: I have chosen for you Ali. Take him for yourself as a successor and guardian, and I have bestowed upon him My knowledge and My dream. He is truly the Commander of the Faithful, and no one has attained it before him, nor will anyone after him. O Muhammad, Ali is the banner of guidance, the imam of those who obey me, and the light of my friends. He is the word that I bind to the pious. Whoever loves him has loved me, and whoever hates him has hated me. So give him good tidings of that, O Muhammad” (Faraid Al-Samatin, Al-Hamwini Al-Shafi’i, vol. 1, p. 244).

  12. Ali in the Trials:

    • The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: “There will be a trial after me. When that happens, stay close to Ali bin Abi Talib, for he will be the first to see me and the first to shake my hand on the Day of Resurrection. He is the greatest friend and the Farouk of this nation who distinguishes between truth and falsehood. He is the dragonfly of the believers” (Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah, Al-Hafiz Al-Qanduzi, vol. 1, p. 154).

These narrations highlight the unparalleled virtues, wisdom, and leadership of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as recognized and emphasized by the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family). The guidance and guardianship of Imam Ali hold a significant place in the teachings of Islam, underlining his central role in the spiritual and moral guidance of the Muslim community.


  1. Al-Amali, Sheikh Al-Saduq

  2. Al-Amali, Al-Tusi

  3. Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi

  4. Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah, Al-Hafiz Al-Qanduzi

  5. Establishing Truth and Destroying Falsehood, Al-Tustari

  6. Fara’id al-Samatin, Al-Hamwini al-Shafi’i

  7. Al-Manaqib, Al-Khwarizmi

Statements and Testimonies on the Virtue and Status of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

1. Salman al-Muhammadi

  • Statement: “Indeed, he is the One who knows the earth’s burden (i.e., its strength) to which it finds tranquility.”

  • Reference: Ghareeb al-Hadith, Ibn al-Jawzi, vol. 1, p. 434.

2. Al-Miqdad bin Al-Aswad Al-Kindi

  • Statement: “I have never seen anything like what came to the people of this house after their Prophet! I am astonished by the Quraysh’s abandonment of a man whom I do not know. Indeed, there is a man who judges more justly, but I do not know better than him.”

  • Reference: Al-Kamil’s Book of History, part 2, pp. 221-224.

3. Sa’saa bin Suhan

  • Statement: “By God, O Commander of the Faithful, I have only taught you that you are All-Knowing of God, and that God is great in your eyes, and that you are in a Book God is Most High, Most Wise, and indeed, indeed, to the believers, You are Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.”

  • Reference: The Joy of Gatherings and the Solace of Gatherings, Yusuf bin Abdullah Al-Qurtubi, part 1, p. 499.

4. Ibn Abbas

  • Statement: “The knowledge of the people was divided into five parts, of which Ali had four parts, and the rest of the people had a part, in which Ali shared it with them and was the most knowledgeable of them.”

  • Reference: Al-Kamil in History, vol. 2, p. 441.

5. Umm Salamah

  • Statement: “By God, Ali is upon the truth before today, and after today, a covenant established, and a decree established.”

  • Reference: Kashf Al-Ghumma, vol. 1, p. 146; Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir, vol. 23, p. 330.

6. Abu Bakr

  • Statement: “While Abu Bakr was sitting, Ali bin Abi Talib appeared from afar, and when Abu Bakr saw him, he said: Who would be pleased to look at the greatest of people? slip, and the closest of them in kinship, and the best of them in giving, and the greatest of them in singing, on the authority of the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace), so let him see. To this point.”

  • Reference: History of the City of Damascus, Ibn Asakir, vol. 42, p. 411.

7. Aisha

  • Statement: “On the authority of Jamil bin Umair, that his mother and two aunts came to Aisha and said: O Mother of the Believers, tell us about Ali. She said: What would you ask about a man who placed his hand in a certain place with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his soul asked in his hand, so he wiped it. His face was there, and they disagreed about his burial. He said: The most beloved place to God is the place where His Prophet was arrested. She said: Why did you go out against him? She said: It is a matter that has been decided. I wished to ransom him with whatever is on the earth.”

  • Reference: Mukhtasar Tarikh Dimashq, by Ibn Asakir, vol. 18, p. 21.

8. Omar bin Al-Khattab

  • Statement: Abu Ishaq said, on the authority of Amr bin Maymun, he said: “Omar witnessed the day he was stabbed, so he mentioned the story of the Shura Council, and when they left him, Omar said: If they give it to Al-Asil, he will take them on the straight path. Then his son Abdullah said to him, so what’s stopping you?! Omar gathered the Companions of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) to consult them, and among them was Ali, and he said: Say, you are the most knowledgeable and the best of them.”

  • Reference: Tabaqat al-Fuqaha’, Al-Fayrouzabadi, p. 7.

9. Ibn Abi Al-Hadid Al-Mu’tazili

  • Statement: “And what can I say about a man whom the people of the Dhimmah love for their denial of prophecy, who are venerated by philosophers for their opposition to the people of the religion, whose image is depicted by the kings of the Franks and Romans in their shops and houses of worship... He also said: As for asceticism in this world, he is the master of asceticism, and the substitute for change, and to Him journeys are made, and with Him dreams are ended, he is never satisfied with food, and he is the coarsest of people in terms of food and clothing.”

  • Reference: Sharh Al-Nahj, vol. 1, p 29.

10. Abu Al-Hasan Ali Al-Masoudi

  • Statement: “He (peace be upon him) did not wear a new garment during his days, nor did he acquire an estate or rent except something that was his as a spring from what he gave in charity and kept. And the one from whom the people have memorized four hundred and eighty-odd sermons from his sermons in all his shrines, he cites them on the basis of intuition, and the people circulated that about him in word and deed.”

  • Reference: Muruj Al-Dhahab, vol. 2, p. 633.

11. Omar bin Abdul Aziz

  • Statement: “We do not know of anyone in this nation who was more ascetic than Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) after the Prophet (may God bless him and his family).”

  • Reference: Tadhkirat Al-Khawas, p. 150.

12. Al-Aqqad

  • Statement: “None of the caliphs was known to be more ascetic than him (peace be upon him) in worldly pleasures or the pursuit of a state. While he was the Commander of the Faithful, he used to eat barley, and his wife would grind it with her hands, and he used to seal the bag that contained the barley flour, saying: I do not like for something to enter my stomach that I do not know.”

  • Reference: The Imam’s Genius, p. 29.

These statements reflect the high regard and respect for Imam Ali (peace be upon him) from various companions, scholars, and historians, emphasizing his virtues, knowledge, and asceticism.

Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) and the orphans

The Compassionate Leadership and Humanity of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

Historical Context
It is known that history has mentioned men who had courage and strength, often distinguished by cruelty and chivalry but lacking in compassion, knowledge, wisdom, and humanity. Conversely, some men possessed wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and humanity but lacked courage and chivalry. However, in the character of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), the highest meanings of humanity, mercy, love for God's servants, generosity, tolerance, and unparalleled courage across all ages came together. This has led to the global recognition of Imam Ali as the most just man in the history of all mankind.

Praises from the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family)
The most honorable Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) praised the wisdom, virtue, and mercy of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in many honorable situations and hadiths. Among these, he said: "O Ali, you and I are the fathers of this nation." He also said: "If the clouds were pens and the sea were ink, and the jinn were reckoners and mankind a book, they would not have counted the virtues of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him)."

Humanity and Compassion
The highest meanings of humanity in Imam Ali are evident in his compassionate treatment of orphans. His biography reveals a man who emanates compassion, giving, and unparalleled love for orphans. This compassionate nature solidified his title as the father of this nation after the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family).

Stories of Compassion

First Story: The Hungry Orphans
Zaid Ibn Aslam narrated that Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was walking in the streets of Kufa at night, checking on the poor and orphans. He heard the sound of children crying, so he approached the house and knocked on the door. Their mother opened the door, and the Imam asked her about the reason for her children’s crying. She replied that they were hungry and crying from hunger.

The Imam (peace be upon him) asked why they were hungry. She explained that they had no food. The Imam was amazed and asked about the owner of the house. She replied that their father had been killed in battle. Then the Imam noticed a pot boiling and asked about it. She replied that she put water in the pot to entertain the children, hoping they would forget their hunger and sleep.

The Imam (peace be upon him) said: "Wait for me, God willing." He went home and carried a bag containing flour, ghee, and dates. Qanbar, his servant, offered to carry the bag, but the Imam (peace be upon him) replied: "I am more worthy of carrying it than you." He carried the bag on his back and returned to the house, knocked on the door, and the widow opened it.

He said to her: "Mother of God, either you cook the food and I entertain the children, or I cook the food." She asked him to light the oven. The Imam (peace be upon him) lit the fire in the oven and brought his cheek close to the fire, saying: "O Ali, how do orphans stay hungry?" The woman baked bread while the Imam played with the children, carrying them on his back as they laughed happily. After the food was ready, the Commander of the Faithful fed the orphans and said, "Eat and ask God to forgive Ali."

Second Story: The Orphan's Wooden Horse
One night, Ali (peace be upon him) brought food to a family that had lost its breadwinner and had orphans. He found among the orphans a child who was restless. The Imam (peace be upon him) asked the child why he was upset. The child said: "The children tell me that I have no father." The Imam (peace be upon him) said to him: "Tell them that Ali is my father." The child did not calm down and said: "Our neighbors’ children have a wooden horse, and I do not have one like it."

The Imam (peace be upon him) brought the child a wooden horse to play with, but the child continued to make excuses and said: "I want a horse that I can ride and walk with me!" The Commander of the Faithful bent down, put the boy on his back, and said: "Here, I have become a horse for you." The Imam (peace be upon him) continued to carry the child on his back and walk with him until the child became tired and fell asleep. Then he gently put the child in his bed and left the house.

The Father of the Nation
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) is indeed the father of the nation, a source of love and kindness. He once said: “Oppressing the orphans and the poor brings vengeance and takes away blessings.” He also said: “God, God is with the orphans. Do not let their mouths oppress and let them not be wasted in your presence. For I heard the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) say: Whoever takes care of an orphan until he becomes rich, God has made Paradise obligatory for him just as He has made fire obligatory for those who consume an orphan’s property.”

The Orphans' Milk
Al-Asbagh Ibn Nubatah narrated: When the orphans heard of Imam Ali’s wound (peace be upon him) and the doctor’s advice to him to take milk, they lined up in front of the Imam's house with milk, saying: “This is for our father Ali.” When Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) saw one of the orphans with milk, he cried, saying: “You sent us the milk. Take the milk and bring back our father Ali.”

These stories and sayings highlight the profound humanity, compassion, and leadership of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), making him a timeless exemplar of virtue and justice.

The burial of Imam Ali next to prophet Adam and Noah (pbuh)

Historical Narratives Surrounding Imam Ali’s Burial and Legacy

Noah's Tawaf Around the Ka'bah

When Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) was in the ark, Allah sent him revelation to perform tawaf (circumambulation) around the Ka'bah seven times in his ark, which he did. He then descended from the ark into the water, which reached his knees. A coffin containing the bones of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) surfaced. Prophet Noah placed the coffin in the ark and performed tawaf again, as Allah had ordered. The ark then came to rest at Masjid al-Kufah, where Allah commanded the earth to drain the water. Everyone disembarked and went their separate ways. Prophet Noah took the coffin and placed it in a cave near Najaf al-Ashraf, the same mountain where Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) spoke to Allah, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was raised to the heavens, and Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was named the Khalil (special friend) of Allah, while Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was named the Habib (beloved one) of Allah. This mountain has been the home of many prophets.

Reverence for Najaf
Najaf is a sacred site where the bones of Prophet Adam, the body of Prophet Noah, and the spirit of Imam Ali (peace be upon them) reside. Visiting this holy site is akin to performing ziyarah (pilgrimage) to the graves of one's forefathers. It is believed that when visitors pray at Imam Ali’s grave, the doors of the heavens open, granting access to divine blessings.

Martyrdom of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)
Imam Ali was martyred in Kufa on the night of the twenty-first of Ramadan in the fortieth year of the Hijra, as a result of a blow from the Kharijite Ibn Muljam. He was sixty-three years old at the time of his martyrdom. According to Sheikh Al-Mufid in his book "Al-Irshad," Imam Ali was killed by a sword strike in the Kufa Mosque. His sons, Hasan and Husayn (peace be upon them), washed his body, shrouded him, and carried him to the other side of Najaf in Kufa for burial. This was done secretly due to the enmity of the Umayyads.

Burial and Secrecy
Imam Ali instructed his sons to bury him secretly to protect his grave from being desecrated by his enemies. Many hadiths from the Ahl al-Bayt confirm Imam Ali's burial in Najaf. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) narrated that Imam Ali instructed to be buried at noon, in a place marked by a white rock where a breeze would greet them. The location was known as Al-Gharyan, a name associated with Najaf.

Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq’s Revelation
Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) revealed the location of Imam Ali's grave during the Abbasid era, guiding his Shiites to the site. He ordered the construction of a bench over the grave to mark it. Safwan al-Jamal narrated that Imam Al-Sadiq visited the grave multiple times, directing followers to maintain and visit it.

Historical Disputes and Validation
There were various claims about the location of Imam Ali's grave, but scholars like Ibn al-Hadid al-Mu'tazili and Ibn Tawus asserted its authenticity in Najaf. They rejected contradictory claims, emphasizing that the grave's location was well-known among Imam Ali’s descendants and followers. Al-Sayyid Ibn Tawus noted that Imam Ali’s family and Shiites unanimously agreed on the grave's location, which was marked by clear signs.

Secrecy Due to Hostility
Imam Ali advised secrecy for his burial to avoid desecration by the Umayyads and Kharijites. Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq explained that the grave's concealment was to protect it from harm. Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi’s futile search for the grave demonstrated the lengths enemies would go to desecrate it.

Later Acknowledgment and Preservation
The grave remained a secret known only to the Ahl al-Bayt and select followers until the Abbasid era. Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq later revealed the grave's location, and it became a site of veneration. Claims of Harun al-Abbasi's role in uncovering and building over the grave are disputed. Historians like Ibn Khallikan and Al-Dumairi noted that Harun only ordered the area to be stoned, not built over, contrary to some accounts.

The historical narrative surrounding Imam Ali’s burial in Najaf emphasizes the profound respect and veneration for his resting place. The secrecy and later revelation of his grave highlight the significance of protecting sacred sites from desecration. Imam Ali’s legacy, marked by his wisdom, justice, and devotion to Islamic principles, continues to inspire and guide Muslims worldwide. His burial site in Najaf remains a focal point for pilgrimage and reverence, symbolizing his enduring influence and the deep respect held for him by the Islamic community.

Western Perspectives on Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

Numerous Western writers have engaged with Islamic heritage, exploring various facets such as the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, the Prophet's biography, and Islamic history. Among their studies, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) occupies a significant place, as they delve into his life, contributions, and multifaceted character.

Historical and Intellectual Engagement

Western scholars have examined Imam Ali from multiple perspectives, including scientific, intellectual, military, and economic. They often rely on prophetic hadiths and Islamic sources to elucidate his status and contributions. For instance, the Western writer Arendunk used prophetic hadiths to highlight Imam Ali’s historical significance and his esteemed position within Islam. Similarly, Hanna Fakhoury remarked on Imam Ali's profound moral influence, stating, "We find in the words of Imam Ali a moral revolution that grants him a special place in the literature of that era and a moral revolution that makes his words literary pleasure and artistic beauty."

Philosophical and Sociological Insights

De Boer, another Western writer, focused extensively on Imam Ali’s sayings, particularly his wisdom, philosophy, sociology, and politics. De Boer admired the depth and breadth of Imam Ali's thoughts, encapsulating his reverence by noting, “Wisdom is the lost property of the believer, so take wisdom, even if it is from the people of hypocrisy.” This admiration was echoed by Mikhail Naima, who regarded Imam Ali as "one of the giants of thought, spirit, and statement in every time and place."

Literary and Historical Contributions

Muhammad Salih Al-Bundaq, in his work "The Orientalists and the Translation of the Noble Qur’an," praised Imam Ali’s eloquent sayings and their lasting impact on Islamic thought. Christian historians like Philip Hatta, Hanna Fakhoury, and George Jurdak have also documented the scientific and intellectual dimensions of Imam Ali's legacy. Hatta affirmed, "Muslims have agreed to consider Ali as a beacon of wisdom and courage."

Political and Administrative Reflections

Western writers have also explored Imam Ali's political, economic, administrative, and social contributions. The orientalist Irving noted the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him and his family) desire to entrust the Muslims to his family, particularly Imam Ali. Irving cited the Prophet’s famous declaration, "Whoever I am his master, then Ali is his master," highlighting the significant yet contested role of Imam Ali in early Islamic leadership. Cedlio observed that had Imam Ali’s rightful leadership been recognized, it might have prevented the conflicts that later plagued the Muslim community.

O'Leary pointed out the internal divisions that emerged during Imam Ali's caliphate, noting that worldly Muslims supported Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan against Imam Ali. O'Leary emphasized Imam Ali's commitment to implementing Islamic law in its entirety, which clashed with the ambitions of those seeking power for worldly gains.

Acknowledging Greatness Despite Bias

Despite their varying positions on Islam, many Orientalists and Western scholars have acknowledged Imam Ali's greatness. They have been inspired by his life, principles, and the profound human values he embodied. Their works reflect a recognition of Imam Ali’s significant role in shaping Islamic thought and governance, underscoring the universal appeal of his wisdom and leadership.


Efforts to diminish the legacy of Imam Ali, the stepson of the Prophet Muhammad, have consistently failed. The enduring impact of his life and teachings is acknowledged even by those outside the Islamic faith. Western writers and Orientalists, despite their differing perspectives on Islam, have often drawn inspiration from Imam Ali's biography and principles. Their studies highlight his unparalleled contributions to governance, philosophy, and ethics, reaffirming his lasting influence on both Islamic heritage and broader human history.

The Martyrdom and Legacy of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him)

The Event of Martyrdom
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was martyred in the year 40 AH during the month of Ramadan. He was struck on the night of the nineteenth, a Wednesday night, and succumbed to his injuries on the night of the twenty-first, which coincided with Friday. This account aligns with the traditions followed by the Shiites today.

Historical Accounts
Historians Al-Tabari and Ibn Al-Atheer noted that Imam Ali was struck on a Friday night with eleven remaining nights in Ramadan, leading to his death on a Sunday night. His age at the time of martyrdom was recorded variably as sixty-three, sixty-four, or sixty-five years. Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak on the authority of Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah stated that he was sixty-three years old. Ibn Shahr Ashub mentioned in Al-Manaqib that Imam Ali was sixty-five years old at the time of his martyrdom.

Duration of Caliphate
Imam Ali's caliphate lasted for approximately five years, excluding three to four months, starting from the end of Dhul-Hijjah in the year 35 AH. Al-Hakim reported this duration in Al-Mustadrak.

Preceding Prophetic Statements
Imam Ali had mentioned his impending martyrdom in various statements. Ibn al-Atheer recorded that Imam Ali foretold his death by saying, “What prevents your brothers from dyeing one of these, meaning his beard, with the blood of his head?”

Final Will of Imam Ali
Before his death, Imam Ali delivered a profound will, emphasizing key Islamic values and principles. He advised his sons, Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, and all believers to fear Allah, adhere to truth and justice, maintain family and social bonds, and continue enjoining good and forbidding evil. His will stressed the importance of prayer, zakat, and jihad, and caring for orphans, neighbors, and the poor.

Burial and Secrecy
Imam Ali's burial took place secretly in Najaf to protect his grave from desecration by his enemies. His sons, Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, along with a trusted group of companions, carried out his burial. They concealed the grave's location due to fears of desecration by the Umayyads. The exact site remained a closely guarded secret known only to the Ahl al-Bayt and a few select followers.

Revelation and Recognition of the Grave
The location of Imam Ali's grave in Najaf was revealed by Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) during the Abbasid era. He directed his followers to the site, built a bench over the grave, and encouraged people to visit it. This revelation marked the end of the secrecy surrounding the grave's location, making Najaf a significant pilgrimage site for Imam Ali's followers.

Legacy and Reverence
Imam Ali's legacy is marked by his unwavering faith, justice, and commitment to Islamic principles. His final words and actions continue to inspire Muslims worldwide, emphasizing righteousness, compassion, and steadfastness in the face of adversity. His burial site in Najaf remains a focal point for pilgrimage and reverence, symbolizing his enduring influence and the deep respect held for him by the Islamic community. The historical narratives about Imam Ali’s life and martyrdom reflect his pivotal role in the Islamic tradition and his profound impact on the Muslim ummah.

Imam Ali's martyrdom, legacy, and burial are central to the historical and spiritual fabric of Islam. His life exemplifies the highest virtues of courage, wisdom, and compassion, making him a revered figure in Islamic history. His burial in Najaf has not only made the site a place of deep spiritual significance but also a symbol of his enduring legacy and the profound respect and love that Muslims have for him. The secrecy and later revelation of his grave underscore the importance of protecting sacred sites from desecration and ensuring that the legacy of great leaders is preserved and honored.

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